If you are looking for a modified ketogenic diet meal plan it means you have probably read my article about modified ketogenic dieting. Now you are interested in how to implement all of that information in your life. Right? Which kinds of food you can choose to diversify your meals? What is more important, how to add more protein and carbs without gaining extra weight. Am I right? In this article I will give you some practical recommendations in a modified ketogenic diet and a modified ketogenic diet meal plan so you can try it.
I will remind you of the main rules of a modified ketogenic diet. You can add more protein and more good carbs to your meals. Fats are still the basis of the diet. Drinking water should be no less than 2 liters per day. Now, we can move on to the modified ketogenic diet meal plan.
Let’s traditionally start from Monday. I hope you are reading this article not before making breakfast, as you will be simply running out of time. Anyway, I understand how important time is before breakfast, mostly because there is always lack of it. That’s why we need simple, easy to cook meals. Especially for this day of the week. I offer you to make an omelet with bacon and a small glass of fresh juice from orange and apple. Vitamin C and some iron elements would be great to start the day.
Lunch should be also very simple and nutrient-dense to keep you full till dinner. Do you like the fresh taste of shrimps? Make a salad from shrimps and creamy-white cauliflower. Add some olives, green or black it is up to you and some cedar nuts. Do not forget about a high-cream dressing. Then close your eyes and imagine yourself eating that delicious salad at a wooden table in front the ocean.
Hope you enjoyed that special modified ketogenic lunch by the ocean. Now it is time for dinner. There is nowhere to hurry and you can spend more time at the kitchen with your kids or lover. I’d offer you to cook salmon in the oven and serve with a small bowl of brown rice. I am sure you have missed it from your long, traditional ketogenic days.
Tuesday breakfast is the same – fast and simple. Oh, wait, it is not same. It is sweet and more delicious. Make cream cheese pancakes. It is made of cream cheese (about 50 grams), 2 eggs, 1 tsp of brown sugar and vanilla extract. Blend all ingredients till it gets smooth and then bake on a pan for 2 min on each side. Serve with coffee and some berries. Sounds like a perfect breakfast, doesn’t it?
Ok, it is lunch time. Steamed vegetables including a small amount of potato would be just fine. If you have some meat leftovers you can mix them with the vegetables. If you do not have any leftovers, add few pieces of chicken. Steamed vegetables with meat will help you to stay full for a longer time.
Dinner, day two is also about relaxation. Roast chicken, make delicious Caesar salad and enjoy fruit for dessert. I suggest oranges, apples and pears. They are lower in sugar.
Good morning! This is third day in our modified ketogenic diet meal plan. I have something special for you. Zucchini noodles with eggs and bacon. Cut your bacon into thin strips, so it look like noodles and cook about 3 minutes on a heavy pan. Then add zucchini noodles, salt, pepper or any other seasoning you like and mix it all. Then break one or two eggs, depending on how hungry you are. Cover it and cook for 3 min on each side. Serve hot with fresh orange and pear juice.
Your lunch will be simple and very appreciated. I allow you to have small amount of French fries. It has to be really small, about 50 grams. Got it? Add some meat. It could be boiled chicken to balance the French fries. Green salad and herbal tea is highly appreciated too.
Now we get to our modified ketogenic dinner. Would you like something special? I think roasted turkey breast will be exactly what you need. Cook it in the oven, make it healthier. Serve with Mexican sauce; don’t forget about high carbs level. So it is better not to drown your turkey in that sauce. Ok? Boil broccoli and add it to the turkey in the oven 5 minutes before it is ready. Herbal tea and a few pieces of orange for dessert would be great to finish that holiday like dinner.
This is it. Your modified ketogenic diet meal plan. I didn’t say anything about snacks, because most people on ketogenic diet are fine without them. If you feel you require snack eat nuts and a small amount of dried fruit. I prefer 2-3 pieces of prunes and figs. I hope you will enjoy it too. Do not forget about water and sports. Yes, the most important thing you should keep in your mind – this is still a healthy lifestyle change!
The keto genic diet is a high-fat diet. Most of your calories will come from fat on a keto diet, while you consume moderate amounts of protein and very low amounts of carbohydrates.I started my keto genic diet meal plan a month ago and found out that it had so many benefits like it helps lose your appetite(eat less) which leads to weight loss.